Stop Worrying About What People Think

stop worrying

Do you find yourself doubting your decisions constantly? Do you fret over the reactions of other people to your actions or opinions?

In this post, we’ll share ideas to help you stop worrying about what others might think of you. You can learn to use constructive criticism to your advantage. Then, you can filter out any perceived negative judgment. This can make you less overwhelmed and anxious. That way, you can focus more on yourself and how to achieve your goals.

Ready? Let’s get started!

Are Other People’s Opinions Holding You Back?

Worrying about what others feel and think about you is typical of being human. We’re internally programmed to seek the approval of others. Studies have shown that a reward center in the brain is activated when someone compliments us. Even if you just sense someone’s admiration of your work, your brain fires up those reward centers.

As humans, we feel good about ourselves when we’re accepted. Yet, it’s impossible to always be liked and accepted by everyone. Problems start when we change our lifestyles to fit other people’s expectations. This gives other people power over our lives and how we attempt to live them. As a result, we may forget who we really are.

After that, things can start spiraling out of control. Going down this unproductive path, you’ll leave a path of destruction in your wake. Your job will be affected, your relationships might be sabotaged, and your self-esteem will likely take a hit. Being stuck in that mind frame can destroy you and those around you.

How Do You Stop Worrying About What People Think?

Try doing some soul-searching. What are you noticing? Do you feel like your reality has shifted? Do you believe more in other people’s version of you than the real you? Then, it’s time to make some changes. You owe it to your true self to share the real you with the world. They don’t know what they’re missing!

Here are a few simple and effective ways to help you break out of this cycle.

1. Focus on What’s Important

Did someone say something unkind about you? Don’t spend your time and energy focusing on it or letting it go to your head.

Most likely, the person won’t remember what they said in a few minutes. And, what they said really reflects who they are as a person. In other words, their ideas about you come from how they feel about themselves. It actually doesn’t have much to do with you at all.

Remember, you’re not responsible for how other people feel or what they think. You can’t change it, so why waste your time stewing over it? You can’t control other people’s ideas, so worrying about them does you no good. A more productive way to deal with your feelings is to channel your energy into something that makes you feel good. You can learn a new skill, return to an old hobby, or take a class. Whatever you choose, make sure to find an activity you enjoy.

Here are some activities that are more worthy of your time than fretting about what other people think:

  • Spend quality time with family and friends.
  • Hold the door open for another person, say “hello” to a stranger on the street, or smile at the barista who serves your coffee.
  • Surround yourself with people who encourage and support you.
  • Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter.
  • Take a walk in nature.
  • Enjoy dinner at that restaurant you’ve wanted to try.

2. Highlight Your Accomplishments

We’ve all been through difficult times, some more than others. Additionally, we have all had accomplishments in our lives. These accomplishments may not be anything grand scale or elaborate. They only have to mean something to each individual. Maybe you filed your taxes on time or made home-cooked meals for an entire week. Celebrate those accomplishments! Be proud of yourself and the hard work and effort you put in. You can even write these accomplishments down and hang them on your mirror or fridge where they are visible. Then, whenever you see one of your achievements, remind yourself, “I did that!” Keep reminding yourself over and over until it sinks into your subconscious.

Saying positive statements to yourself is another way to boost your confidence. These statements can help build up your self-esteem and improve how you see yourself.

Here are some statements to get you started:

  • My self-confidence is constantly increasing.
  • I’m worthy of all good and positive things.
  • I may not be able to control what happens around me, but I can control my reaction to them.
  • I have great ideas.
  • I am so blessed!
  • I am grateful for everything and everyone in my life.

3. Train Yourself to See the Positive

Our brains are hard-wired to see the negative. We blame, we dwell, and we complain. That needs to stop right now! You can train yourself to have more positive thoughts. This doesn’t mean trying to trick or delude yourself. They can change in a healthy, productive way. As a result, you may become less anxious and more resilient.

By thinking objectively about your flaws or weaknesses, you can start working on them. Remember, we all have weaknesses and shortcomings. Some people are simply better at noticing them and working to improve them than others. You can do this too. Start by writing a list of five things that you’d like to change about yourself. Now, set some realistic goals to change them. Make steps each day toward those goals, and make sure to reward yourself each time you reach one of those goals.

Start small and take small steps. You can make significant changes over time by working toward your goals daily. Remember, you want to feel better about yourself, not burden or overwhelm yourself. That defeats the purpose.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques have become increasingly popular because people realize self-care’s importance. These relaxation techniques focus on improving your overall health and reducing your stress levels. They also remind you of the value of savoring the present. Focusing on this moment keeps you in the present. It stops you from worrying about what happened in the past or might happen in the future.

These relaxation techniques can also help you stop worrying about other people’s perceptions of you. The best thing is that you can practice these relaxation techniques anytime and anywhere.

When you start to worry, take a breath and remember that you could be overreacting. Most likely, your coworkers aren’t thinking what you think they are thinking about you.

Take a few more deep breaths and focus on something around you. This could be the smell of your cup of coffee, looking at your nails, or watching a cloud move across the sky. You can choose anything to focus on that will move your thoughts back to the present moment! Then, you’ll notice that your pulse and heart rate are slowing down. Your anxiety will start to recede, and you’ll realize you don’t care about what people think as much anymore.