Recently, whenever politicians repeat a promise over and over again, critics say the promise has become a “mantra.” The term “manta” is used by journalists to refer to a continuously repeated phrase with no real significance. However, for Yogis, a mantra is a word or phrase that can free a person from their limitations.
How is it possible that repeating a word or a phrase can have such remarkable effects? Everything is built on the basic psychological tenet “as you think, so you become.”
It’s evident that being called “stupid” is an insult and will make you feel bad. It is far worse if you begin to believe that “I am stupid” and repeatedly tell yourself that. If someone tells you that you are “stupid,” this is a negative outer suggestion. When you start thinking about it, you then create a self-defeating auto-suggestion. Your personal growth will suffer if you continue to think negatively.
Mantras used in meditation have good intentions. They remind you that you are pure consciousness and limitless love in your most authentic form. Begin to focus on your positive attributes. You will begin feeling more confident in yourself, which will show in your behavior.
However, despite reading books on philosophy, spirituality, or self-help outlining these concepts, many individuals never come to realize these beautiful truths in their day-to-day lives. To achieve results, you must think carefully and methodically over some time. It is not enough to consider a good idea once and then put it aside.
Mantras used in meditation have a unique property that encourages focused, positive thinking: their very vibration has the power to focus and concentrate your thoughts. While some noises can make you feel miserable. For example, a power drill ripping up a sidewalk. Other sounds, like calming music, can transport you to a completely different place.
The words and syllables used in meditation mantras have been selected based on their sonic capacity. They significantly aid the work of focus and contemplation. In addition, they have a positive meaning.
To get all the benefits of mantra meditation, you must frequently meditate with a mantra that has a positive meaning and the ability to improve your concentration. You must meditate regularly, sitting quietly for 10 to 30 minutes twice daily.
When practicing meditation, focus your mind as intently as possible on the mantra and its meaning. Return your attention to the mantra whenever it strays. It may sound easy, but most people find that as they attempt to focus on one word or phrase, their minds soon become distracted by other ideas. These ideas may be related to their jobs, finances, interpersonal conflicts, and many other issues. When this occurs—and it will—simply bring your focus back to the mantra.
Keep practicing. You will increase your concentration over time. You will also attain deep inner peace.